Midjourney can help you create the most awesome and professional album cover art you’ve ever laid eyes on. And with the right prompts, you can tailor it specifically however you’d like it to look.
This can be extremely helpful for starving artists, bands, graphic designers, or really anyone who’s a fan of music and/or cover art.
Personally, in high school, one of my dream jobs was to become a graphic designer who specialized in creating album cover art. I loved music and I loved art, so the fusion was natural. So naturally, when I discovered Midjourney could let me live out this fantasy while running the prompts, I was ecstatic.
Let’s get started on creating music album covers that rock.
1. Rock Album Cover Art – Midjourney Prompt

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney)
In a punk and gritty style, a rock album cover depicts homeless individuals defiantly seated at an upscale penthouse restaurant. Vibrant, chaotic brushstrokes and bold, contrasting colors convey their rebellious spirit as they disrupt the opulent setting with unruly gestures and unapologetic stares, cinematic, in the style of John Carpenter
Check out this rock album cover. It looks like a rock cover to me, but really it could be used for any music with dark undertones.
It’s gritty and menacingly dark. But the best part? It’s open to interpretation. You can stare at this thing for hours and come up with a million different meanings. Go ahead and try it.
If you’re looking for an album cover that’s as mysterious as your ex’s sudden disappearance, look no further. This cover’s got you covered.
By the way…the initial image from Midjourney is below. I used the Vary (Region)/Inpainting feature to select the area around the subject’s head and entered “black ski mask robber” as the Inpainting prompt.

2. Rap Album Cover Art – Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney)
rap album cover, turning one dollar into a million dollars, cash everywhere, gold everywhere, motivational, cinematic –s 200

This is how I feel every time I sit down and write a Run The Prompts article. Let’s just say I get paid a LOT to do this, okay?
If you’re a rapper, and you need album art, use Midjourney. If I didn’t know any better, I would’ve thought this was a real album cover for a real rapper. All of the variations were really good, and it was tough to choose which one I wanted to upscale.
3. Pop Album Cover Art – Midjourney Prompt

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney)
pop album art cover, smiling bubblegum princess, colorful, high contrast, giant shapes, happy thoughts, uplifting, inspiring, heartfelt, cliche, wonderful thoughts
For the most part, I hate pop music. I know you don’t care, so I’ll end it there without ranting.
This album art is as cliche and bubblegum as I could possibly make anything without giving someone a cavity. The prepubescent teenage girl demographic would probably be proud of my little creation here.
By the way, I used the “Zoom Out 2x” option to get the final image that you see here. The initial image was a closeup of the woman.
4. Metal Album Cover Art – Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney)
Metallica by harryfinney, in the style of pop art-inspired visuals, album covers, bold manga lines, rtx, metal –s 400 –c 40
I literally included “Metallica” in this prompt.
Experiment with different band names and styles in the prompt to make it your own.
This image is the visual equivalent of a mosh pit on fire. When I said this page would have prompts that rock, now you can tell that I meant it.
5. Punk Album Cover Art – Midjourney Prompt

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney)
In a punk and gritty style, a rock album cover depicts homeless individuals defiantly seated at an upscale penthouse restaurant. Vibrant, chaotic brushstrokes and bold, contrasting colors convey their rebellious spirit as they disrupt the opulent setting with unruly gestures and unapologetic stares, cinematic, in the style of John Carpenter
Does this prompt look familiar? I hope so, because it’s the same prompt as #1. It can be used for rock and punk.
You might be wondering why you’d want to use an album cover with some random character’s face on it. That horrible problem can be solved using a Midjourney face swap. It will allow you to swap your face with anyone you’d like. Your face on your own music album cover. Isn’t life great?
6. Hard Rock Album Cover Art – Midjourney

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney)
hard rock album cover, grunge, 90s, oily, dark colors, depressing, cinematic, 8k
This guitar is sitting in the middle of the street waiting for the perfect riff to come along. Is it yours?
The initial image from Midjourney had a piece of gibberish text across the center of the image, but I easily removed it using Photoshop Generative Fill with two clicks. So can you.
7. Electronic Music Album Cover Art

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney)
In a pulsating realm of vibrant energy, an ethereal shape harnesses the power of soundwaves. Bioluminescent wires intertwine with a futuristic city, casting a lustrous glow. Colors of neon cyan and vivid green electrify the scene, cinematic, dark colors, vibrant colors
The album cover art is an electrifying representation of a musical journey through the concrete jungle.
8. Midjourney Mashup! Album Cover Art for Any Celebral or Dark Music

(Copy/Paste Into Midjourney)
https://s.mj.run/0MF4Kv1ikQ8 https://s.mj.run/1A85AgrHPvI https://s.mj.run/EJTXDB7iIbA awesome album cover, cinematic, dark colors –no words
If this one looks familiar to you, that’s because it’s a mashup of a few of my favorite album covers: Eminem’s “The Slim Shady LP,” Highly Suspect’s “The Boy Who Died Wolf,” and Kid Cudi’s “Man on the Moon: The End of Days.” Here they are…

The three URLs you see in the prompt are the URLs of the three images above. So, it was a triple reference image prompt to combine the artistic elements of all three albums into ONE. Awesome, right?
9. Bonus! Take Your Album Cover Art to Another Level with Custom Zoom and Inpainting
So you have your shiny new album cover design.
What now?
I took the liberty of solving that problem for you with all kinds of creative applications. That’s how nice I am. Enjoy!
A. Put it in a Compact Disc Case

To do this, click the Inpainting AKA “Vary (Region)” button after upscaling your image.
Next, just select the left side of the image as shown and use this prompt: “Plastic black hinge side of a CD album case.”

B. Smash it in a Glass Window with a Tack Hammer

Who wouldn’t want to put their new prized piece of art for their music behind a glass window and smash it with a hammer?
All you have to do is click the “Zoom Out 2x” button and type this prompt: “On a cracked window.”
After you get the smashed window effect, you can easily crop the image and keep the shattered glass included in your album art! If your music is edgy, it’s actually a slick look.
C. Put it in a Car’s MP3 Player/Console

While it might not have the standard play, pause, or other buttons on the screen, this is still pretty awesome. You can easily add those using Adobe Photoshop with just a bit of tinkering.
All you have to do is click the “Zoom Out 2x” button and type this prompt: “Playing on a car’s mp3 player screen.”
D. Put it in a Drive-in Movie Theater

Who wouldn’t want to see their new album cover on a drive-in movie screen?
All you have to do is click the “Zoom Out 2x” button and type this prompt: “Playing on a drive-in movie screen.”
Forget that this car is oddly missing its back window. If the same issue happens to you, you can probably add one with Photoshop’s Generative Fill.
E. View it on a TV Screen

To view it on a TV screen, all you have to do is click the “Zoom Out 2x” (noticing a pattern yet, dummy?) button and type this prompt: “Playing on a TV screen.”
Wrapping it up
So, there you have it! With Midjourney, you can now unleash your creativity and design your own album cover art that perfectly captures the essence of your music or artistic taste. Whether you’re into rock, pop, rap, or metal, Midjourney has got you covered. And if that wasn’t enough, you can also add a CD case, view it on a big screen, or even smash it with a tack hammer.
So, what are you waiting for? Create your masterpiece today.
Did you discover a new prompt or Zoom/Inpainting method for album cover art? Let us know in the comment section below!