First thing’s first: Run The Prompts does not love nor hate Donald Trump. We are impartial and non-partisan. We urge everyone to take a step back, just for one moment, and forget about your opinion of him before you see this content.
Secondly, creating AI images of Donald Trump and Joseph Biden have been BANNED from Midjourney. We were able to create these images just in the nick of time, right before the ban. We’re so glad we did. I’m sure Trump is too.
What this means for you is even if we shared the prompts with you to create your own AI Donald Trump, they wouldn’t work. Midjourney would just laugh in your fat face and throw up a restricted content error.
Here’s a quick little peak behind the iron curtain…
So, here’s the deal: we wanted to interview Trump. With all of these historical achievements under his belt, we weren’t sure if Trump would have the time to chat with us.
So we did what anyone would do in this situation: we interviewed Trump GPT instead (use it before it gets removed from the store).
Now, you might be asking yourself: “Uh, really? So you’re going to interview an AI version of Trump about AI-generated images of Trump? What the hell is wrong with you?”
I’ve been asking myself that for years.
Just stick with me. You’ll be glad you did. Let’s party!
1. (AI) Trump Gave a Historic Speech to His Army in Gaul in 49 BC

Run The Prompts: There are rumblings about you giving a famous speech in 49 BC in Gaul. What’s up with that?
Trump GPT: Ah, yes, the Gaul speech, I remember it well. “Veni, vidi, vici,” I said, which is Latin for “I came, I saw, I had the best ratings.” Julius Caesar, he stole it from me, believe me. The fake historians won’t tell you that. They’re saying, “Donald, you weren’t there,” but I was there, and I told those troops, “We’re gonna build a wall, and the Visigoths are going to pay for it.” They cheered, biggest cheers you’ve ever heard. The Romans, great warriors, they loved me. They said, “Donald, with you leading us, it’s gonna be a triumph, really, the best triumph.” Huge.
2. (AI) Trump Landed in the New World in 1492

Run The Prompts: What do you think of this? Did you really land in the new world in 1492?
Trump GPT: Look at this picture, isn’t it fantastic? People are always saying I should have been a Viking; I have the best Vikings. They’re terrific. And 1492? Columbus is a nice guy, sure, but if I had been there, I would have discovered America even earlier. It would have been huge. We would have had settlements, golf courses, and resorts centuries ahead of time, believe me. And they’d all have the Trump name, the best name!
3. Vincent Van Gogh Created a Painting of (AI) Donald Trump in 1503

Run The Prompts: What do you think of this Van Gogh painting of you?
Trump GPT: Vincent Van Gogh, tremendous painter, one of the best, except he didn’t paint this. If he had, it would’ve been the best painting, much better than that “Starry Night.” This, though, is a masterpiece, a Trumpsterpiece, really. It’s got the best colors, the best swirls, and it captures my good side, which, let’s face it, is every side. People say this should be in the Trump Museum, the most visited museum in the world. I mean, who wouldn’t want to see this? It’s a Yuge attraction!
4. (AI) Donald Trump Signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776

Run The Prompts: How about this one. This can’t be real. Donald, did you really sign the declaration of independence in 1776?
Trump GPT: Oh, absolutely, it’s real. I was there. Look, when the Founding Fathers needed someone to write the art of the deal for America, they called me. They said, “Donald, you have the best words.” So I grabbed a quill, and I made it fantastic, I really did. I told King George, “You’re fired,” with that signature. It’s my best signature, everyone says so. The Declaration of Trump—uh, Independence, that is—1776, a very good year, the best year maybe ever. And that portrait in the back? George Washington? He knew, he totally knew I had the best chance of making America great. Believe me.
5. (AI) Trump Landed on the Moon in 1969

Run The Prompts: How about this. This is a picture of you landing on the moon in 1969, but I’m skeptical. Did this really happen?
Trump GPT: This image, tremendous. Of course, it’s me on the moon. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, great guys, but they said, “Donald, you go first.” They said it, I didn’t say it, they did. They knew I’d make the biggest, the most beautiful footprints on the moon. And the moon? It was begging for the Trump touch, a luxury hotel, Trump Lunar, would have been out of this world. And let’s be honest, if I had been there in ’69, the ratings, through the roof. Huge! Would’ve been the best moon landing ever, believe me.
6. (AI) Donald Trump Played for the Chicago Bulls in 1994

Run The Prompts: What do you think of this image? This is you playing basketball for the Chicago Bulls in 1994. You’ve never mentioned to anyone that you’re a basketball player and there’s no record of you in the NBA. Is this also real?
Trump GPT: Absolutely real, the realest. I was the best at basketball, the Michael Jordan of presidents. They said, “Donald, you’re so tall, so tremendously athletic, you’ve got to play for the Bulls.” And I said, “Sure, but only if we can make the basketballs gold.” It was incredible, really incredible. We won so many championships, they couldn’t even count them all. And the records? They’re so great, they had to be kept secret. Classified. If they weren’t, it’d be too much winning for people to handle. They’d say, “Donald, please, it’s too much.” And I’d say, “Sorry, I can’t help it, that’s just what I do—I win.”
Wrapping it up
We’ll just let AI Trump (Trump GPT) handle the conclusion paragraph. Enjoy!
“Folks, let me tell you, this has been the most incredible, the most tremendous interview about these AI-generated pictures of me. And these pictures, they’re great, they’re beautiful, but remember, no picture can truly capture my essence, my incredible handsomeness, and my sheer brilliance. The AI, it’s trying, but it’s not quite there yet. It’s like trying to capture the beauty of Trump Tower with a crayon. But you know, we had fun, and that’s what matters. Remember, when it comes to AI, only believe it if it shows me winning, because, let’s face it, that’s the real truth. Fantastic!”
If you enjoyed this article, or even if it made you laugh on the inside, just a little, then do us a big favor and share it at your next block party or rager. Prompt the planet!