Home » Top ChatGPT Memes: Must-See Memes of the Year!

Top ChatGPT Memes: Must-See Memes of the Year!

by Nick Smith
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ChatGPT Meme - ChatGPT After Dealing With Humans All Day - Matt Damon Smoking Cigarette

ChatGPT memes were bound to happen. ChatGPT exploded in popularity, and anything that gets popular eventually gets its own set of sick memes. That’s the way it works.

You’re probably on this page because you’re searching for a meme to send to your friend, brother, lover, co-worker, or therapist. They most likely use a lot of ChatGPT. I get it.

Now you want the meme goods. I decided to help you out because I love you.


I found the 15 best ChatGPT memes that are actually worth the time to look at. If you make it all the way to the bottom of the page, then you’ll receive a special bonus prize. Actually…no, you won’t.

Meme #1: Dunder Mifflin Bot (The Original ChatGPT)

ChatGPT Meme - The Office - Dwight Dunder Mifflin Bot

If you don’t remember the bot that pranked Dwight from The Office, then definitely re-live it below.

Meme #2: Thanks to ChatGPT, Emails Are Finally Fun Again!

ChatGPT Meme - Emails Into Bullet Points

Writing long emails are no longer necessary in many situations thanks to ChatGPT. Reading long emails are also no longer necessary in many situations thanks to ChatGPT. Remember back in 1997 when it was fun and exciting to get emails? Well, those times are back.

Meme #3: Paul Krugman Couldn’t Predict a Sunrise in a Sundial Factory

ChatGPT Meme - Bad Predictions - Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman may not be human. 25 years later, this dude still looks exactly the same. Little do you know, in another 25 years, Paul Krugman will still be 70 years old. Also, he will still be saying dumb things. Paul Krugman, you’re on notice.

Meme #4: ChatGPT is Looking for a Special Someone

ChatGPT Meme - John Connor - The Terminator

ChatGPT and The Terminator have a lot in common.

Meme #5: The Internet’s Reaction to ChatGPT in One Meme

ChatGPT Meme - Jealous Girlfriend - Google

Need I say more?

Meme #6: ChatGPT, Should Daddy Stay Home?

ChatGPT Meme - Man Can Not Vacation

Daddy, don’t leave!

Meme #7: ChatGPT After Dealing With Humans

ChatGPT Meme - ChatGPT After Dealing With Humans All Day - Matt Damon Smoking Cigarette

Matt Damon smoking a cancer stick is a prime representation of ChatGPT’s stress after dealing with humans. Elon Musk posted a similar meme to his Twitter account.

Meme #8: Office Space

ChatGPT Meme - Dystopian Future - Twitter Post


Meme #9: Uh Oh

ChatGPT Meme - When I Realize ChatGPT Can Do My Job

True, awesome, hilarious, and scary all at the same time is an unlikely combination of adjectives. Personally, ChatGPT can’t replace me. Ever! However, it can replace most of my loser employees. Especially Dick Smith.

Meme #10: “Director of ChatGPT”

ChatGPT Meme - Throwing Up - Whatever I'm Paid For

Meme #11: Kids are our Future #1

ChatGPT Meme - Homework Error

Plot twist: The kid did this intentionally to earn a ChatGPT meme trophy.

Meme #12: Kids are our Future #2

ChatGPT Meme - Homework Error #2

So the teacher just slapped him/her with a “rewrite this in your own words?!” That’s it?!

Meme #13: Programmers Need to Laugh Too #1

ChatGPT Meme - ChatGPT Will Replace Programmers Finally

I’m not a programmer, but I work in tech and can relate to programmer memes. Hopefully, you can too. Actually, I know you can, because I’m aware that part of my audience consists of Reddit neckbeard, Cheeto-finger programmers. Take that!

Meme #14: Programmers Need to Laugh Too #2

ChatGPT Meme - My Career, Google, ChatGPT, Copy Paste, StackOverflow

Notice how Google Bard is not one of the cans.

Meme #15: Programmers Need to Laugh Too #3

ChatGPT Meme - What My Friends Think I do - Programmers

I always love these “what I really do” types of memes. This ChatGPT meme is a great addition.

Wrapping it up

I hope you enjoyed this page of ChatGPT memes as much as I enjoyed slapping it together while moonlighting.

If you liked it, then you’ll also like funny ChatGPT prompts from around the world. It’s similar.

If you hated it, then I don’t know what to tell you. Write your congressman. Get a group together.

Be sure to leave a comment below to let me know what you think. Also, subscribe to our newsletter at the bottom of the site to ensure that you never miss an RTP beat.

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